FlyDog SDR
FlyDog SDR: The 16-Bit ADC KiwiSDR derivation Wide-band SDR + GPS cape for Raspberry Pi.
Good Compatibility
FlyDog SDR is compatible with KiwiSDR and runs smoothly on a wide range of Raspberry Pi ARM based computer.
Affordable and Reliable
FlyDog SDR is available at a lower price and has the same reliability as KiwiSDR.
Reverse Proxy
The FlyDog SDR Project provides a dedicated reverse proxy server for external access to FlyDog SDR through the intranet and is configured with Content Delivery Network global acceleration.
Open Source
From the core source code to system image build scripts, FlyDog SDR is open source, leaving no malware and backdoors.
Dedicated Update Channel
The FlyDog SDR Project provides a dedicated update channel for FlyDog SDR, which is tested multiple times before release to ensure availability.
Excellent Performance
The FlyDog SDR uses a 16-Bit ADC for sampling and covers a wide bandwidth of up to 62 MHz, giving performance comparable to KiwiSDR.
We've recently learned of cases where users have purchased FlyDog SDRs from AliExpress through a reseller, but received RaspSDRs instead.
However, we don't have the authority to interfere with resellers, so please make sure you've made agreement with them (and keep evidence) before you buy a FlyDog SDR, which is to prevent you from being deceived and causing unnecessary damage.
The following merchants are known to be untrusted.
# What is FlyDog SDR?
As you can see, the FlyDog SDR, derived from KiwiSDR and released under the relevant open source license, is an SDR product that uses 16-Bit ADC sampling and covers a band up to 62MHz.
FlyDog SDR is currently available on a wide range of Raspberry Pi families and can be used in a variety of scenarios.
- Raspberry Pi 2B
- Raspberry Pi 3B/3B+/3A+
- Raspberry Pi 4B
# Test the Demo!
The FlyDog SDR Project is now offering the following demos for users to try out, all of which have been volunteered by users.
Number | Country | Region | Antenna | URL | User Password |
1 | Finland | Kotka City, Kymenlaakso Region | Wellbrook 1520LN | pso.p.sdrotg.com (opens new window) | None |
2 | Russia | Moscow region, Krasnoarmeysk | Clone SIRIO GP | std.swl.su:8073 (opens new window) | None |
3 | Japan | Usa-shi, Ōita Prefecture | ApexRadio 303WA-2 | sdr-swl.p.sdrotg.com (opens new window) | None |
# Questions and Answers (Q & A)
Answers to questions that some people may have are given here.
# Q: What is your relationship with KiwiSDR and is it considered plagiarism?
A: FlyDog SDR is a secondary development from KiwiSDR and is completely open source, so it is not considered a copy.
# Q: Will FlyDog SDR be banned by KiwiSDR as a pirated version?
A: No, FlyDog SDR is not a pirated version and the FlyDog SDR code is in a separate repository and is not affected by KiwiSDR.
# Q: Is it possible that the FlyDog SDR maintainers will abandon the project?
A: The comparable product RaspSDR seems to be very disinterested in their project. However, it can be guaranteed that FlyDog SDR will always be accountable to its users.
# Q: I've heard that there are problems with the FlyDog SDR circuit design?
A: The image previously included in the repository README (opens new window) were initial samples for developer testing and are completely different to the FlyDog SDR now on sale, so rest assured that there are no problems with the FlyDog SDR circuit design and it will be moving towards low noise.
# Q: How come the FlyDog SDR has three antenna interfaces?
A: The FlyDog SDR Project provides users with two different low-pass filters (30 MHz and 62 MHz) for use. The choice of antenna interface is also described in detail in the FlyDog SDR documentation.
# Q: Is the LTC2208 an inferior chip? Why not use the LTC2217, which has a lower noise floor?
A: Compared to the LTC2217, the LTC2208 has a slightly higher noise floor, but the choice of the LTC2208 as ADC was a trade-off between performance and cost. In fact, the LTC2208 is not an inferior chip at all.
# Stay Engaged with FlyDog SDR Project
For any enquiries or feedback on this project, please email [email protected] (A reply is usually available within two working days), please use a reputable email provider such as Yahoo!, Gmail, Outlook etc.
FlyDog SDR also has groups on Telegram and Facebook (English only) where users can join, get updates on FlyDog SDR and interact with the developers.
- Telegram: t.me/flydog_sdr (opens new window)
- Facebook: facebook.com/groups/flydogsdr (opens new window)
# Licensing
- FlyDog SDR source code is modified by Beagle_SDR_GPS (opens new window) and is open source in accordance with the relevant open source agreement.
- Copyright (c) 2014-2021 John Seamons, ZL/KF6VO
- Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Christoph Mayer, DL1CH
- The source code for this site (sdrotg.com (opens new window)) is located at github.com/flydog-sdr/docs (opens new window) under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 International License (opens new window).
- Includes all visible text content and images from the website
- Includes FlyDog SDR Project icon files
- Includes the source code used to generate the website, i.e. flydog-sdr/docs (opens new window)
- As third party content is copyrighted by its creator, FlyDog SDR Project waives all rights to the following content.
- Includes photos, screenshots attached to FlyDog SDR Project documentation